Saturday, February 7, 2009

Great Environment We Have

I was just viewing over the landscape and realized that our beautiful America is still here. All the accidents causing electrical problems everywhere, plane crashes, oil spills have done little to endanger our survival. Were pretty lucky to have such a good planet we can adapt to being the humans we are cause even when war livens up the world theres still a planet and were still kicking away seeking how to cope. Just the last part of 2008 we bagan seeing our America government learning to cope with a new problem they experienced long ago and almost forgot which affected our economy then and now here on February 07th 2009 we are about to see the work that our government played in connecting the dots to fix the economy. Whether it works has some economic analyst especially those on Wall Street shaking their heads because they see that the Banks are remanaging the money the government called itself bailing out homeowners over their mortgage loses and the money it seems is missing the motion to solve the bad mortgages. Well next came about automakers bailout and a slew of other bailouts started, then Madoff the crooked economic invester got caught and now we are looking to the sky to wonder what else is to befall upon our heads the government cannot manage and fix. So here we are shaking our heads, and we know the future is grime because of recent happenings in Africa [link] that their African Heritage is about to change for the better allowing all of the current countries to become a single government with a single currency and a single economic solution. Isn't that about where we were many years ago when America got taken into custody you might say from the Indians? We are still managing our future and Africa is heading towards a much more larger economic path, but the earth is still here Iran was not destroyed and Israel stopped the West Bank and Gaza war so I guess we are just right where we could imagine we should be. I am still writing "The Electric Vehicle Free Conversion Foundation (EVFCF)" and know it better for Consumer's than the programming our government sent out demanding we all buy a new car from those automakers they bailed out so the US Treasury then makes its money back that the government stimulated the Banks with, its not over. In my effort to resolve the calculations of The Foundation I added a page entitled "Evaluation Determining Quota Expectation which should help you understand how I figure to put together a nation wide Foundation. And there are so many Jobs that would be available and Politics are keeping our nation's consumer's from having it work for then economically only Uncle Sam has a Dream now that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have completed the cabinet choices and made headway to managing the economic mess, I can't say much about their budget but that is being added to the stimulus they move forward each day.

If it is good for Africa to create a new government, then I believe that Birth of a New Israel is also due and Israel should make a lot of considerations to stop using religious preferences such as "Jew" or "Non-Jew" and nationalities for separational aspects making war a objective instead of Peace.

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