Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Electric Vehicle Free Conversion Foundation

The Electric Vehicle Free Conversion Foundation
(EVFCF) is the short form to identify My Project Plan which is for Consumer's.

Many people already have bought and paid in full for a vehicle, only difference is they bought a Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) which runs on either diesel or gasoline and requires oil. If your business gets enough people debt free within a yr to 2 yrs there will be more people that might like to have their auto converted and save more money and they can make their own electricity and that is what the Foundation is all about, revolutionizing our economy. It can work for American's and it can work for every International nation that wants to establish the workforce and the conversion facilities so every nation gets a chance at resolving the debt and their economy with the help of the Foundation. I think that should be the direction we choose to make, it is like The Foundation owns or cares for some of the parts installed in your vehicle so why then should you worry about what is installed, it makes you financially capable to do other things, no credit check, no banking, not even a credit card or savings account is required during your ownership from the day you choose to convert the auto to the day you decide you do not want it. The auto can be transferred to another individual that will pay the warranty fee $1,000 per year so that means you sell out a share of your old vehicle, buy another used vehicle if you want get it converted over and continue enjoying travel everyday you wish as a electric vehicle instead of a (ICE). I got a long way to go before I clean up the first website cause it is literally cluttered with our nations news.

First Site

Follow Me On Twitter, at The Townhall Blog, My New Site Home at MySite, Sign My Guestbook. I am a member of Alabama TeaBook. Read My Jonalist Wordpress Blog. Email Me

If you want to contribute a financial sum to me you may call me VERISON WIRELESS: 334-425-0177
I accept PayPal Donations Here.

Why do we have to accept prior consumer demands forever & ever. There's a future yet to compel our desires that can return energy to us and if we do not start accepting our future opportunities right now we may never as a nation fully obtain enough energy even after Natural Gas Ships, Airplanes, Motorcycles, Cars have been created because all that will create a new supply & demand and that shall increase the prices of Natural Gas. We have more alternatives that are cheaper, wiser than Natural Gas, we do have a future. We need to grasp our opportunity right now and develop our nation. This will help taxpayer's more than Obama has borrowed from them and our US Treasury, so we do not have anything to lose here.

Today we are at a critical turning point as far as our economy in the United States is evolving through political means and it does not look prospective for consumer's esp. the taxpayers. I do not believe that our current President can grasp the significance our economy has with consumer intervention, he has shut them out of the picture concentrating on the upper managerial aspects of big business another articulate that government itself should not be going into and that is now far reaching to endorse International formations in a attempt to govern the price and lower the government insurance costs in management. With this greater aspect covering up the consumer's best interest as a advertisement potential that shall drag our economy into a deeper crater that American's need not be concerned with, it is more likened to a ad campaign that slams in the consumer's face with its popup ad issue. If you agree with these findings that government has taken advantage of consumer's then you should join with me in development of My Project Plan I have entitled it EVFCF which stands for "The Electric Vehicle Free Conversion Foundation". I myself do not have funding to bring this Foundation into the necessary perspective for consumer's. Generally The Foundation is a resource for the interactions of consumer's and this resource is a self generating producer without dependence on creating small business but would formulate grants that with collegiate help can support small business support. It is not the actual purpose to drive small business because it must provide the needed components for its conversion facilities that would be created in every state. It is a large organized body that interacts with a consumer for the specific purpose of converting the consumer's vehicle to a electric instead of backing those big automakers that produce a entire vehicle for consumer purchase. The financial opportunity to consumer's is the driving force to create the production line for this to occur, we have to center on specific size vehicles to comply to each different type to create a ingenious way to convert specific vehicles instantly without the tedious waiting period which could take months to organize so it is rather a larger project than what a single automaker is undertaking because they do not have to endorse their product from the consumer's current ownership. This is the problem that President Obama fails to understand, he would rather have a large bundle of cash to manage in bringing consumer's expensive electric and natural gas solutions for their vehicles, that only would increase the consumer's tax bracket on their estate property so why should consumer's have to endorse higher taxes on their estate just because of a electric vehicle. It is not fair that taxpayer's are being used as a founder of new expensive electric vehicles and they not become a purchaser, logically this is bad economics esp. Internationally where shipping costs will decrease for those shippers that buy into Natural Gas Powered Ships but increase for all those that stay with the current oil powered ships. This in turn will cause the Natural Gas "Supply & Demand" for consumer's home needs to increase in cost as the shippers demand more and more Natural Gas in shipping expensive electric vehicles to other countries and it does not make sense that our nation is intentionally crushing the economic standards of other nations through President Obama's economic principles.

This is not a dream, it is a work in earnest I have undertaken to bring some balance to our nations economic situation.

Visualize this, a consumer that owns a vehicle could have that vehicle converted FREE through the workings of The Foundation. The support of testing that vehicle on a yearly basis is the purpose of a warranty which would be the only overhead cost to the consumer. All the warranty provides year after year is a formal avenue to replace freely any part which was added to the consumer's vehicle should that part become damaged due to a malfunction or other malfunction of that part without the intentional damage a consumer could exert on that particular part or its array of functioning parts as in a electric schematic layout intrusion. So the test schedule would become a permanent operation through the years, part replacement could mean supporting all similar vehicles but the consumer is not being asked to pay a penny for this technology that replaces their components in their own vehicle. What this means is NO CREDIT CHECKS, NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS, NO POSTAGE STAMP OR ENVELOPE NECESSARY FOR PAYING A FEE, NO ADDITIONAL WARRANTY COSTS OTHER THAN A YEARLY PROJECTED COST. What more is there to this to envision other than JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. With the help of every state JOBS can be secured, The Foundation through its economic savings plans would generate some of the income for these workers which only amounts to a parts replacement position which is nothing hard to learn and it is a secure opportunity for the states to consider because it requires little education of the workers. In Obama's plan education must be certified, sure some leaders need certification at each conversion facility but that decreases the need of funding education colleges when this certification becomes a "On The Job Learning Experience" out of a classroom experience and that saves taxpayer money in the long run. Once converted the consumer is left to manage their own driving skills on their newly converted vehicle and of course make themselves a way to create electricity from solar collectors or wind turbines which can be a community effort and each state could help consumer's do that much. This economical opportunity has always existed, not until now has someone put it online that it can be created as a Foundation and those that give to The Foundation could benefit if The Foundation ever were listed in S&P for each consumer that participates would earn shares on the items that became managed by The Foundation from their vehicle. It is a better way to offer economic support to consumer's and taxpayer's and each nation could endorse their own Foundation. Our laws needs to support this Project Plan, our government needs to support this Project Plan, you need to help me get this Project Plan up and kicking the butts of those that are taking advantage of consumer's and taxpayer's right now so we can get out of the OPEC Squeeze our nation is having from imported foreign oil.

I am Mr. Charles Michael Jones; I live in Prattville, Alabama; I was born in Walker County, Alabama in 1952; I am 56 years old and I have a few years I can stand by this Project Plan before my time comes. Obama will not give me a chance to obtain help from our government, he has ignored ever communication I have ever sent him even in the US Mail so how can you help me because I need this as a final attempt to provide me a income and I would completely enjoy this opportunity to help you as well so give me a shot of your advertising strength and let's get this Project Plan up and running for Consumer's and Taxpayer Economic Support because I am who I say I am without question "We Can Bring Out The Best In America"..

I have brought this Project Plan to the attention of the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and to the Governor of the state of Alabama, Bob Riley, but this Project Plan has to have more endorsements than just these to states so you see how I am in need of your service.

So I need a Server Plan with location, I find the state of Alabama most interesting to begin this Foundation. Would you like to help me do this? Send me a Email.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

General Update and Music MP3 Clips


Available at Joe Muggs' Coffee House counters you can find their brewed music CD's packed full of little to non-known artists which are putting out some good music. Recently I bought volume 1 2 & 3. Amazon has two CD's available: Joe Muggs' Coffee House CD Volume 1 (Audio CD - 2003) - Single & Joe Muggs' Coffee House CD Volume 2 (Audio CD - 2004). The Amazon link could change anytime. Once available at the Joe Muggs' Coffee House website, so you have to look around for ordering information for Joe Muggs' Coffee House CD Volume 3. Books-A-Million, Inc. has been placing them on sale out front of the store so look outside, no longer available at the website, but is still saling the High-grown Latin American Coffee if your interested which retailed for $9.99 & $11.99.

Between My Twitter, Facebook, Google's Jonalist Blogger, MySite Blogging Works I thought that I should add my Amazon as objective to bring yo you what I have for sale and to offer some free Artist Music Clips you can listen to while here. I am al_cmjones at MySpace. So I added this Widget reflecting the album choice of the week at the Martha's Vineyard Radio site Check each week at ( I will make some more interesting things available to you so this is not so drab. You can also read more about my challenging field of freelance work at MySite. Join me at Twitter to learn more from my archived postings you should find interesting which I often go into the tangent world around us and discover things that are serious and a concern probably to you as taxpayer's and consumer's, is there much difference. I also have a Townhall blog and I am a member of the Tea Party Community Online at Teabook. Join the Tea Party Community and become a voice for all consumer's. Have you been led by a lease or ball & chain all your life [The main concern OBAMA has given to the people whom feel they do not have to pay government for Health Care Insurance nor have Health Insurance either cause they think OBAMA developed a Democratic Plan which Violates The United States Constitution by forcing American's to have to have else they go to prison]? Have your relatives also been treated unfairly? Think now there are some serious things missing from our government that makes this a difficult thought, I mean look at the economy, it is the reason why we are so strong in thinking that someone out there is going to do what the economist say to do and not do what they think you want them to do for you and America but hey, isn't what they should be doing for America more important than doing for themselves. It is a political oversight that so much has to be accomplished by a bigger government that brings us to a conclusion that our laws that we respect and resolve our daily lives are failures for politicians seeking change. How about that, just when we were going to launch our Consumer Opportunity Campaign the Big Banks, Insurance Companies, Major Automaker's and now affecting Hospitals & Doctors all came under scrutiny by the US Government. It really looks that our government was trying to make ends meet for foreign governments with taxpayer money. At least the last time I read some news I read how our financial system was on the brink of a rating collapse. That has affected Banking in both Checking & Debit Card Fees not just Credit Cards which was a primary target to get more money rolling. Therefore I am collecting donations for my project plan which serves all of the United States "IF THE STATE WILL APPROVE JOBS AND CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE IN THAT PARTICULAR STATE", which you can find that becomes a rather long political venture to avoid as you have thus far seen following the election of Barack Obama to the US Presidency and it is as bad as that. Obama is one of those people that first looks out if he thinks he needs something if so he backs that but when it came to consumer's needing to bow out of International Oil Importing he frowned against the idea since that drive goes against the Oil & Gas Corporates not to mention the Automakers that want to force you to buy their electric car at a price your estate can't afford or sell you a empty shell and lease the batteries to you for as much as the fuel is equivalent, but the lease is on a monthly basis and banking has a special account you must comply with in some instances else your on your own. Well look, when a consumer is bribed to pay into a political campaign he/she expects results, if the result in law matters do not work for their investment they call it in America cause it goes against their taxes then they call that a ripoff and want the candidate to return the money they gave them but it has been totaled against their taxes and that tax year is ended - so much for looking after the consumer interest. That is how I mean political, it has become a democratic way to perceive the economy and Democrats and more likely to leave out the approval of Republicans than Republicans leaving out Democrats cause Democrats have a higher operating cost with increased taxation and wasteful spending. I back consumer's needs and interests, I will not support government that fails to provide these to consumer's and I find it is over taxation when it can be the way of life for every America that can support the matter so donate soon. My project plan is named "The Electric Vehicle Free Conversion Foundation (EVFCF)". Can you be real careful cause I do not want to meet up with OBAMA because of his threat to American's.