Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Those Federal Programs To Short Changed

Where the brass is saying OK but the Federal Funds is saying to short, all this means is that states have to encourage other methods to obtain funding first.

Obama is trying to refresh the same old tactics that government always leans on to produce something that would simply melt into government circles but it will not work, why, look at the only options there is to create jobs - TIFIA program (The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program), which helps communities use federal credit assistance -- direct loans, loan guarantees, and lines of credit -- to leverage their transportation projects. TIFIA isn't a Foundation for Consumer's it is a entrapment for everyone. Loans & guaranteed Loans do not guarantee highways & bridge upgrades, look at the recent flooding maybe they needed to upgrade bridges before there was a disaster from a mediocre hurricane that destroyed in patches, thinking it to be the big one which was really how Government/Federal Highway Administration meets with the states 50/50 (not enough is that issue. I'll take you up on the 'You Buy Me One To Hang In There With As Many Employees I Can Gather From All Four Corners Of America." I Love It Obama Doesn't! Thanks People for trying to deal with the same situation refreshments & speeches on YOU GOT TO MOVE.

See article: "Obama To Call For Extension Of Transportation Funds Currently Set To Expire"; this is the proof of the pudding that does not go around like passing the plate but rather a pink slip of how much money do you have to participate. What this option gives the Federal Budgeting Committee is entirely a overview of the total expenditure from all sources and attempts to lure you to believe it will be cheaper but sub-contractors are going to be doing the purchasing not the Federal Budget Fund which becomes consumed by the Federal Members even banks take a cut from Insurers. This is called "Not Meeting The Deadline For The Job", whom fails to benefit - a contractor or someone with a city responsible for getting data to a contractor based on court records so the city ends up paying a fine for a contractor whom bids off the project to another contractor out of state to get back lost profits which end up with a even higher price tag but the city is stuck paying the contract of the first deal which the Feds gave authority to a contractor that had to go with normal ordinary purchase agreements & accounts established (no savings at all). TIFIA program (The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program), established in 1998 a Federal Credit Program for eligible transportation projects, cities take the Credit as a loss and collect from collected tax money from the Federal Highway Program of all states. Funny isn't it?